Qendra per Kerkim dhe Zhvillim ne TIK


Qendra per Kerkim dhe Zhvillim ne Teknologjite e Informacionit dhe te Komunikimit (TIK)

Publikime 2010 - 2017

Publikime 2017:

A. Botime shkencore:


Brenda vendit:

  1. B.Karamani “The programming skills required in future for an engineer”, 2017 ICCE Conference 12-14 October, Albania, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana
  2. B.Karamani“An Efficient Analysis to Categorize Bank Clients using R tool”, 2017 ISTI Conference 23-24 June, Albania, Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana
  3. Ariana BEJLERI, Marco Çuka. Analysing and priventing Cross Site Scripting in Web Security Applocations. 8-th International Conference, ISTI 2017, June 23-24, Tirana, Albania
  4.  N.Frasheri, Dorian Minarolli. Project VI-SEEM – a Regional Virtual Research Environment. International Conference ISTI 2017: fostering As-A-Service Economy, 23 - 24 June 2017, Tirana
  5.  N.Frasheri Emanouil Atanassov. Interprocess Communication Issues with OpenFOAM for Wind Simulation. BalkanCom 2017 - First International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking, Tirana, Albania, May 30 - June 2, 2017


Aranitasi Marin, Neovius Mats, Anomaly Detection in Cloud Based Application using System Calls. In: Westphall Carlos Becker, Lee Yong Woo, Duncan Bob, Olmsted Aspen, Vassilakopoulos Michael, Lambrinoudakis Costas, Katsikas Sokratis K., Ege Raimund (Eds.), Cloud Computing 2017, 44–48, IARIA XPS, 2017

Aranitasi Marin, Benjamin Byholm, Mats Neovius, Quantifying Uncertainty for Preemptive Resource Provisioning in the Cloud. In: A Min Tjoa, Roland R. Wagner (Eds.), 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 127–131, IEEE Computer Society, 2017

Publikime 2016:

Konferenca - seminare shkencore - referime:


Neki Frasheri †, Emanouil Atanassov. Scalability Issues for Wind Simulation using OpenFOAM. COST IC 1305 Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing - Third NESUS Workshop • October 2016 • Vol. I, No. 1

Publikime 2015:

A. Botime shkencore:

Brenda vendit:

M. Lamaj, L. Moisiu, A. Avxhi, M. Dardha, M. Jusufati, S. Bushati, N. Frasheri. Aplikimi i teknologjive te imazheve satelitore ne vleresimin dhe parashikimin e integruar te fenomeneve gjeodinamike, me qellim zbutjen e pasojave ne zonat urbane dhe turistike te rajonit bregdetar. Programet Kombetare te Kerkimit dhe Zhvillimit per Vitet 2010 - 2014, vellimi II. AKTI 2015.


  1. M. Mihajlovic, L. A. Bongo, R. Ciegis, N. Frasheri, D. Kimovski, P. Kropf, S. Margenov, M. Neytcheva, T. Rauber, G. Runger, R. Trobec, R. Wuyts, R. Wyrzykowski, J. Gong. Applications for ultrascale computing. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, Vol 2, No 1 (2015), DOI: 10.14529/jsfi150102
  2. E. Sheme, N. Frasheri. Software tools and techniques for energy efficiency in data centres. International Journal on Information Technologies & Security. 2015, Vol. 7 Issue 3, p13-22. 10p
  3. M. Aranitasi, G. Daci -"Today's Security Threats on Android Operating System" International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies (IJCSMS) April 2015 ISSN: 2231 - 5268
  4. M. Aranitasi. G. Daci "Parallelization algorithm for Android OS using OpenMP" International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies (IJCSMS) April 2015 ISSN: 2231 - 5268

B. Konferenca - seminare shkencore - referime:

Brenda vendit:

E. Agastra, N. Frasheri, T. Floqi, J. Kacani, F. Premti, J. Teta, E. Xhafka, E. Zeneli. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Using 3G/4G Network for Better Public Transport. 6th International Conference "Information Systems and Technology Innovations: inducting Modern Business Solutions"?. June 5-6, 2015 Tirana.


  1. N. Frasheri, G. Beqiraj and S. Bushati. Recent environmental changes in Albania through remote sensing. Earth Observation Open Science 2.0 Conference, 12-14 October 2015, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
  2. N. Frasheri. Parallel processing for gravity inversion. COST IC 1305 Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing - Second NESUS Workshop, 10-11 September 2015, Krakow Poland
  3. G. Beqiraj, N. Frasheri, J. Kacani and F. Premti. History: computers in Albania. ITSTAR Newsletter - Calibrated for Creative Communications, Vol. 13, no. 1, Spring 2015
  4. M.Lamaj, N.Frasheri, S. Bushati, L. Moisiu, G. Beqiraj, A. Avxhi. Application of differential inteferometry for analysis of ground movements in Albania. Fringe 2015 Workshop ESRIN, Frascati - Italy, 23-27 March 2015
  5. Igli Hakrama dhe Neki Frasheri. Modeling an Artificial Economy with JaCaMo. DSC'2015, 17-18 Sept 2015, Thessaloniki
  6. Arten Avdiu dhe Neki Frasheri. Automated Geospatial Context Feature Generation From Linked Data, DSC'2015, 17-18 Sept 2015, Thessaloniki

Publikime 2014:

A. Botime shkencore:

E. Kolce, N. Frasheri. The Use of Heuristics in Decision Tree Learning Optimization. International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends, v.1, no.3, pp127-130, Shtator 2014 [doc] http://www.ijcert.org/Archives.php#button

B. Konferenca - referime:

  1. Papadhopulli I., Frasheri N. A Review of Software Testing Techniques. 2Nd RCITD 2014, November 17-21, 2014 (International Virtual Research Conference in Technical Disciplines http://www.rcitd.com/) [doc]
  2. Frasheri A, Bushati S, Frasheri N, Dema A. Generalized Geophysical Overview of Shkoder-Peje Deep TransversalFracture. XX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association, 24-26 Shtator 2014, Tirane
  3. Pano N., Bushati S., Frasheri N. Climate Change Impact on Buna. IAEG XII Congress, Torino, 15-19 Shtator 2014
  4. Frasheri N., Beqiraj G., Bushati S., Frasheri A., Taushani E. Remote Sensing Analysis of the Adriatic Shoreline Movements. International Scientific Conference Integrated Coastal Zone Management In The Adriatic Sea, Institute Of Marine Biology, Kotor, Montenegro 29 Shtator - 1 Tetor 2014.
  5. KK. Hyseni, N. Frasheri. Bind server - an adapter from high level to embedded communication in service oriented architectures. DSC2014 - 9th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference. 25-26 September 2014, Selanik, Greqi.[doc]
  6. E. Agastra, E. Zeneli, E. Xhafka, J. Teta, J. Kacani, N. Frasheri, F. Premti, T. Floqi. IPA KHE-STO: An Analysis of Teritory for Better Public Transport. The 2nd International Conference on Research and Education Challenges Towards the Future - ICRAE2014, Shkoder, 30-31 May 2014 /li>
  7. E. Agastra, E. Zeneli, E. Xhafka, J. Teta, J. Kacani, N. Frasheri, F. Premti, T. Floqi. IPA KHE-STO: Enhancing Knowledge for Better Public Transport. 5th International Conference Information Systems and Technology Innovations: Projecting Trends to a New Economy. Tirane, Qershor 6-7, 2014
  8. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Error Reduction in Parallel Gravity Inversion. 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO-2014, Budva, 15-19 Qershor 2014
  9. K. Hyseni, N. Frasheri. Microcontrollers as components of service oriented architectures. 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO-2014, Budva, 15-19 Qershor 2014 [doc]
  10. G. Beqiraj, N. Frasheri. Pervoja e nje Bashkepunimi Rajonal dhe e Ndikimit ne Kerkimin Shkencor. Konferenca Java e Shkences 2014, Prishtine 13-16 Maj 2014
  11. N. Frasheri. A Model for a Knowledge Management Engine. International Conference Science, Technology and Innovation in the Prosperous Epoch of the Powerful State, Ashgabat, June 12-14, 2014
  12. G. Beqiraj, N. Frasheri. Contradictory sides of information technology for development. International Conference Transition to a New Society, Podgorica 20-22 Mars 2014
  13. I. Hakrama, N. Frasheri. Artificial Intelligence in Economy: AI Agent-based Methods for Economy. Doctoral Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies DCCSIT2014, Tetovo 25-26 June 2014 [doc]
  14. A. Avdiu, N. Frasheri. Model for receiving and disseminating knowledge about the capacities of geographical regions based on Linked Data. Doctoral Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies DCCSIT2014, Tetovo 25-26 June 2014 [doc]
  15. B. Voca, N. Frasheri. Interoperability of Information Systems: Proposal for Kosovo Health Information System. Doctoral Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies DCCSIT2014, Tetovo 25-26 June 2014 [doc]

Publikime 2013:

A. Botime shkencore:

N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Scalability of Gravity Inversion with OpenMP and MPI in Parallel Processing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Smile Markovski and Marjan Gusev (Eds.) ICT Innovations 2012 Secure and Intelligent Systems, Springer Series vol. 207, 2013.


B. Konferenca - referime:

  1. N. Frasheri, G. Beqiraj, S. Bushati. Environmental Changes of Ohrid-Prespa from Satellite Imagery. Regional International Conference The System Prespa Lakes - Ohrid Lake: the Actual State - Problems and Perspectives. Struga - Pogradec, 27-29 October 2013.
  2. N. Frasheri, S. Bushati, A. Frasheri, B. Cico. Some Results for 3D Gravity Inversion in Parallel Systems. 7th Congress of the BGS - Balkan Geophysical Society, Tirana 7-10 October 2013
  3. E. Nishani, B. Cico, N. Frasheri. Investigating the Performance of Motion Estimation Block-Matching Algorithms on Gpu Cards. Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI'2013, Thessaloniki 19-21 September 2013.
  4. D. Millo, N. Frasheri. The Economic Advantages of Parallel Computing - Case of a Program Written in Parallel with MPI. International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Innovations IV Towards a Digital Economy - ISTI'2013, Tirana 15-16 June 2013
  5. N. Frasheri, J. Bushati. Parallel data processing ~ the present and the future. The 1st international Conference on Research and Education Challenges Towards the Future ICRAE 2013, 24-25 may 2013, Shkodra.
  6. G. Beqiraj, J. Kacani, N. Frasheri. Teaching eBusiness in Albania. 7th IT STAR WS on Electronic Business. Bari, Italy 3-4 May 2013
  7. N. Frasheri, S. Bushati, A. Frasheri. A Parallel Processing Algorithm for Gravity Inversion. European Geosciences Union General Assembly EGU'2013, Vienna 7-12 April 2013
  8. Marin Aranitasi. The Kernel Ring. Self-tuning Linux Kernel using Support Vector Machines. Konferenca 5th International Conference ICT Innovations 2013, Oher, Maqedoni.
  9. Marin Aranitasi. Self-tuning Linux Kernel using Support Vector Machines. Konferenca nderkombetare Information Systems and Technology Innovations: towards a digital Economy 2013, Tirane.
  10. Marin Aranitasi. Using PKI to increase the security of internet Transactions. Konferenca 8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC 2013) Selanik, Greqi.

Publikime 2012:

A. Botime shkencore:

N. Frasheri, S. Bushati. An Algorithm for Gravity Anomaly Inversion in HPC. SCPE: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience vol. 13 no. 2, pp. 51-60

B. Konferenca - referime:

  1. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Reflections on parallelization of Gravity Inversion. HP-SEE User Forum, 17-19 October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia.
  2. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Computing developments in Albania and it's applications. International Workshop on recent LHC results and related topics. 8-9 October 2012, Tirana, Albania
  3. N. Frasheri. HP and High Performance Computing in Albania. HP Solutions Event, 26 Septemebr 2012, Tirana Albania
  4. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Scalability of geophysical Inversion with OpenMP and MPI in Parallel Processing. ICT Innovations 2012. 12 - 15 September, Ohrid, Macedonia.
  5. E. Sheme, M. Aranitasi, N. Frasheri. Implementation and evaluation of a sleep-proxy for energy savings in networked computers. BCI'2012, 16-20 September, Novi-Sad.
  6. E. Sheme, N. Frasheri. Implementing and Testing a Sleep-Proxy for Saving Energy in Networked Computers. ISTI'2012 [FECO.UT], 8-9 June 2012. Tirana.
  7. M. Aranitasi etj., Online identification of bussines users. Konferenca International Journal of Science, Innovation and New Technology, Tirane 8-9 qershor 2012.
  8. N. Frasheri, G. Beqiraj, S. Bushati. Analysis of aerosols variations using MODIS images. BALWOIS 2012 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 28 May, 2 June 2012
  9. N. Frasheri, N. Pano, A. Frasheri, G. Beqiraj, S. Bushati, and E. Taska. A review on anthropogenic impact to the Micro Prespa lake and its damages. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna Austria, 22 - 27 April 2012
  10. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Convergence of gravity inversion using OpenMP. XVII Scientific-Professional Information Technology Conference 2012, 27 February - 2 March 2012, Žabljak Montenegro
  11. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Analysis of the Convergence of Iterative Geophysical Inversion in Parallel Systems. Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 150: ICT Innovations 2011 (ed. L. Kocarev). Springer-Verlag 2012

Publikime 2011:

Konferenca - referime:

  1. N. Frasheri, S. Bushati. An Algorithm for Gravity Anomaly Inversion in HPC. SYNASC 2011 - 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, September 26-29, 2011, Timisoara, Romania
  2. N. Frasheri, B. Cico. Analysis of the Convergence of iterative Gravity Inversion in Parallel Systems. ICT Innovations 2011 Conference, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU), Skopje, 14-16 September 2011
  3. A. Frasheri, P. Alikaj, N. Frasheri. IP Anomaly Configuration, Survey and Interpretation Problems. 6th Conference and Exhibition of Balkan Geophysical Society, Budapest, 3-6 October, 2011
  4. A. Frasheri, N. Pano, S. Bushati, N. Frasheri. Impakti i ndryshimeve klimatike ne hapesiren bregdetare te Detit Adriatik. International Conference Hydroclimate Resources - An Important Tool For A Sustainable Development Of Albania. INEUM - UPT 16 June 2011, Tirana.
  5. N. Frasheri, H. Kopani. SEERA-EI for Promotion of Regional E-Infrastructure. Conference on Information Systems and Technologies and their importance in the Economic Development, Tirana, 10, 11 June 2011
  6. N. Frasheri, A. Fundo. Use of Mobile Technologies in Albania - a Case Study. IFIP 11-th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries. Kathmandu, Nepal, 22-25 May 2011
  7. N. Frasheri, A. Frasheri, N. Pano, and S. Bushati. Outlook on seawaters dynamics and geological factors of development of Albanian Adriatic coastline. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna 03 - 08 April

Publikime 2010:

A. Botime shkencore:

N. Frasheri, B. Cico, H. Paci, Processing of Satellite Images in Space-Time Domain. Springer Link Earth Science Informatics, Volume 3, Number 4 / December 2010

B. Konferenca - referime:

  1. N. Frasheri, B. Cico, A. Fundo. Analysis of Environmental Changes in Shkodra Lake Area Using Remote Sensing. Akademia e Shkencave e Shqiperise & Akademia e Shkencave dhe Arteve e Malit te Zi, Konference Shkencore Nderkombetare Liqeni i Shkodres - Gejndja dhe Perspektivat, Podgorice - Shkoder 19 - 21 qershor 2010
  2. Neki Frasheri, Betim Cico, Hakik Paci, and Jozef Bushati. Using of remote sensing (satellite images) for assessing the environment situation. BALWOIS'2010, Ohrid 25-29 May 2010
  3. Jozef Bushati, Florian Mandia and Neki Frasheri. ICT application for monitoring air pollution in the area of Shkodra Lake. BALWOIS'2010, Ohrid 25-29 May 2010

Publikime 2009:

Konferenca - referime:

  1. Frasheri N., Cico B., Paci H. CHange of Environment using Remote Sensing - CHERS. SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009. Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey December 9-10, 2009
  2. Cico B., Frasheri N. ICT Education in Albania. ITSTAR Conference on ICT Skills, Education and Certification: the Multi-stakeholder Partnership, Rome 27-29 November 2009
  3. Frasheri N. Global Crises and Knowledge management. Faculty of Economy of University of Tirana, International conference on Economic & Social Challenges and Problems at the Time of Crisis, Tirana 1-13 December 2009
  4. Frasheri N. Trying to Develop Information Society in Albania - a Case Study. IFIP TC9 & WG9.4 Conference on Assessing the contribution of ICT to Development Goals. Dubai School of Government, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 26-28 May 2009

Publikime 2008:

A. Botime shkencore:

Frasheri A., Beqiraj G., Frasheri N. A Review of the Application of Geophysical Methods in Exploration for Copper and Chrome Ores in Albania. Monograph. Akademia e Shkencave te Shqiperise 2008, 450 f. (Monografi)

B. Konferenca - referime:

  1. Bushati S., Frasheri N. SDI in Albania. SEESDI'09 Workshop, 4-5 february 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  2. Frasheri N., Cico B. CSIRT in Albania. CEENET - CLOSER Workshop Tbilisi. 28 July 2008
  3. Frasheri N. Telematic Network and Infrastructure for Universities - Past and Future. Presentation in Conference Il sistema delle telecomunicazioni italiano e le prospettive di cooperazione in Albania e nell' area balcanica, Tirana International Hotel, 15/03/2008;
  4. Kacani J., Beqiraj G., Frasheri N. Reflections on national ICT strategies in Albania, 3rd IT STAR Workshop on National Information Society Experiences - NISE 08, 8 November 2008, Godollo (Budapest), Hungary

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