Center for Research and Development in Ict

Center for Research and Development in IctCenter for Research and Development in Ict


In 1971 was founded the Center of Computational Mathematics (CCM), in Tirana, depending from the University of Tirana (UT).
In 1973 was founded the Academy of Sciences of Albania (ASA) and the Centre became one of its constituent scientific institutions.
In 1986 was created the Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (INIMA) from CCM. INIMA has played a key role in all developments of information technology in Albania: the introduction of modern methods and technologies in various areas of the Albanian reality such as economics, engineering, geology and mining, medicine and health, agriculture, in the preparation of young specialists and the provision of various scientific, installation and maintenance of computer systems, etc.
In 2007, with a Council of Ministers decision (Nr.146 dated 28 March 2007), INIMA was dissolved and restructured in Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUoT), as part of the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT). By decision of the Council of Ministers (Nr.824 dated 05.12.2007) former INIMA was reorganized as Center for Research and Development in Information and Communication Technologies (Center for R & D on IT) of this Faculty.